At Castle Hill School all our pupils have an EHC plan.

The school is part of the Kirklees Offer for SEN Provision for pupils with Severe and Profound Learning Disabilities from aged 3 – 19 and admissions are coordinated through the Kirklees SENACT team.

A young person is eligible to be offered a place at Castle Hill School if they have an Education Health Plan or are undergoing a statutory assessment of their needs.

Specific details regarding criteria for admissions are available through the Kirklees Special Educational Needs Team.

Contact details are:
01484 221000

If you contact school on 01484 544558 or email, we will be happy to help you.

Kirklees special schools admissions criteria

Please find the admissions criteria for Castle Hill School.

Also please click the thumbnails below for the admissions criteria for other Kirklees Schools.

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